Her name is Terri Pfau. She is 25 years old and lives with her mother. The
type of osteogensis imperfecta
that she has is the most severe. Her bones
are extremely brittle. They can and have been broken simply by picking
up. She is just under three feet tall and her arm's reach only extends to
twelve inches. Using public
computers, such as the library, isn't possible
due to difficult environmental challenges. The tables there are too
high for
her. Transportation is also another obstacle. Public transportation is
inadequate and her mother doesn't
drive. Terri cannot walk, the brittle
bones of her legs will not support even her own light weight. She cannot
up on her own and requires assistance for all of her needs. She uses a
customized electric wheelchair, which
she operates with a 'joystick,' for
mobility at home. She is a twenty-five year old woman trapped in the weak
of a three year old. Her muscles are frail to the extent that lifting a
full can of soda is impossible. Her mind
is all she has.
For entertainment, she watches television and listens to the radio. Family
and friends come to
visit and play cards. About once a week a close friend
will take her to the bowling alley where she will 'watch'
people bowl or to
the mall to walk/roll around. But most of her time is spent at home. And
the lady can
talk your ear off on the phone!!
She has expressed her interest in a computer for about a year now, but the
just aren't there for her. She lives on a fixed government income
that just covers her monthly bills.
a computer will open a whole new world for her. The Internet alone
will give her access to everything she could
possibly imagine, including
communication with people from all walks of life.
Despite her handicap, she is the
strongest person I know.
Thank you very
P.S. I have attached a picture of Terri with my 4 year old son. It's not
her best picture,
but it's the most recent one that I have. I can send
another, older picture if necessary.